Ask your Middle and High Schoolers:Pastor Bill shared statistics in his sermon today that reveal that Gen Z (your generation) is the loneliest generation ever. Does that sound right to you? Do you think a lot of your friends/peers are lonely? If so, why do you think they are?
DEEPER: Parents - if your student is open and sharing, you could press in and ask if THEY struggle with loneliness, BUT… remember to use this as an opportunity to listen, not lecture. |
Ask your Preschool-Elementary Kids:Is it sometimes hard to tell someone when you are upset by something? Maybe if someone hurts your feelings but you don't want them to know that.
Talk to your kids about how keeping feelings inside actually makes situations worse, and it is good to feel comfortable with being honest with how they are doing. |
Ask your Middle and High Schoolers:Pastor Bill challenged our church to move away from saying “I’m fine” when we’re really not. Do you have any friends at school that you feel like might be telling people around them “I’m fine“ when they really aren’t? Is there any way that you could help them or be there for them, maybe even challenge them to open up about what they are really feeling or going through?
DEEPER: Parents, if your student is open to the conversation, after the questions above ask them “How are YOU doing these days? Are you okay?” Reminder - this is a chance to listen, not lecture! |
Ask your Preschool-Elementary Kids:Today Pastor Bill talked about how we should want to talk and think more about God and others than about ourself. As a family go around and say one good thing about each member of the family. It could be something they are good at, how they have helped you or something you like to do with them.
Now take turns talking about what makes God so good. Talk about how we can be like him and seek to bless others. |
Ask your Middle and High Schoolers:This morning Pastor Bill talked a lot about “mirrors” and what we see when we look in them. Do you feel good or bad when you look in the mirror? Why do you feel that way?
DEEPER: If your student shared about struggling with their appearance, share with them Psalm 139:14 (they are fearfully and wonderfully made). Ask them what it would take for them to believe what God says about them here? (Listen… don’t lecture!) |
Ask your Preschool-Elementary Kids:Today Pastor Bill talks about how it can be hard to admit that we are wrong. We want to be right all the time but we are not. If we think we are always right it can hurt our relationships with others. Have everyone in your family share about a time they were wrong.
Ask these questions about that time: Did you tell the other person you were wrong? Did you say to the other person “You are right”? Why is it hard to admit we are wrong? |
Ask your Middle and High Schoolers:Today at The Grove we talked about people who always think they’re right. Another name for someone like that is a “know-it-all.” Do you know any know-it-all’s? How do you feel about them?
DEEPER: Do you have any teachers, coaches, leaders at church, etc. who you feel like just want to be right all the time instead of admitting they might not have all the answers? Would you have more or less respect for an adult who is willing to admit “I don’t know” to you? |
Ask your Preschool-Elementary Kids:Today Pastor Bill talked about Joseph and how his brothers were mean and hurt him but in the end he continued to be kind to them. Ask your kiddos these questions:
Has anyone ever hurt you or your feelings? Did you forgive them? Help your kiddos understand that as believers in Jesus we are supposed to show kindness to others even when they make a mistake. It can be hard but the most important thing is that we do not hurt others just because they did something wrong to us. |
Ask your Middle and High Schoolers:(Parents - think about a time when your student was younger and they got hurt doing something like playing a sport or game, roughhousing with siblings, trying something new/risky, etc. Then ask them these questions.) Do you remember when you got hurt doing _____? Were you nervous to try _____ again after that? Why do you think we’re nervous to try something again after getting hurt? (Because we’re afraid of being hurt again! Talk to your student about how the same principle applies to relationships - sometimes a person we care about hurts us, and that can make us afraid to reconnect with them or others.)
DEEPER: Have you ever experienced something like that with a friend or someone you care about? (Listen, don’t lecture!) |
Ask your Preschool-Elementary Kids:This week Pastor Bill talked about breaking through what others may think. Let’s have some fun with this. Ask your kiddos to show you their favorite or craziest dance move. Now ask them if they would do that dance move in the check out lane at Kroger? Would they do that awesome dance move in front of their friend?
Talk with your kiddos about how it is important to be yourself with friends. It allows people to see all the wonderful sides of them and grows deeper friendships. |
Ask your Middle and High Schoolers:This weekend Pastor Bill taught our church that shame is “a painful feeling of exposure.“ We live in a world where people’s mistakes can be posted online for the entire world to see. Does that make you nervous about making mistakes or failing in any way, knowing that everyone at school, in your family, whoever, could end up knowing about them?
DEEPER - do you feel like there could be any good side to all of our mistakes being made public? Could there be any freedom in that? |
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